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倍加語翻譯卡查語翻譯[自從退居第二線就沒再碰翻譯,比來發現居然翻不出來,所以想操練一下] [請大家積極鞭打] [原文取自巨亨網 http://news.cnyes.com/content/20111118/KE0EK9EH2D33J.shtml] 全球市況動盪 人債10月虧4% 9成投資被套牢 Global volatility results in 4% loss on RMB-denominated bonds in October; 90% of them under water [under water 我以前只見過房地產範疇在用,金融界恍如沒在如許說] 歐洲主權債務面臨違約風險,全球投資市場震盪,早前炙手可熱 翻譯點心債 (即離岸人民幣 債券) 亦不能倖免 翻譯社有債券生意員指出,上半年發行 翻譯點心債,今朝有 9 成是「蟹貨」( 套牢),債券價錢一度較高位跌逾 6% 翻譯社 翻譯社-> 翻譯社 翻譯公司-> 翻譯公司 的-> 翻譯銀行界人士相信,點心債價錢還沒有見底,散戶宜 待歐債危機進一步惡化,人債息率升,始入市吸納作長線投資。 European sovereign bonds are facing default 翻譯公司 causing market volatility that the formerly hot Dimsum Bonds (i.e. RMB-denominated offshore bonds) were not immune to. Some bond traders have pointed out that out of all dimsum bonds issued in 1H11, 90% of them are "under water 翻譯公司" and some have seen their prices drop as much as 6% from their peak in that timeframe. Banking professionals believe that dimsum bond prices have yet to hit bottom 翻譯公司 and that only if the Eurobond crisis worsens, and the yields of RMB-denominated bonds trend up, should retail investors enter the market with a view towards holding for the long term. [Typo: sovereign] [yield ... trends 改為 yields ... trend] [吸納 跟 enter the market 照舊有差,但想不出來] 香港《明報》報道,憑據中銀香港 (2388-HK) 的人民幣離岸債券指數,由年初的 100 , 10 月一度急插至最低 93.9 ,目前稍為回穩至 96.2 ,但與 6 月時高峰 102.9 相比, 跌了 6.7 ,而年初至今則跌約 3.8% 。工銀亞洲投資治理基金經理胡婉敏指出,點心債 缺乏二手市場承接,令其跌勢加重。可是歲首年代至今有關指數仍跑贏同期恒生指數約 16 個 百分點。 HK's Mingpo reported Bank of China (Hong Kong) (ticker: 2388-HK) statistics as showing that the offshore RMB-denominated bond index nosedived from 100 at the beginning of the year to a trough of 93.9 翻譯公司 but has since rebounded slightly to 96.2 翻譯公司 still 6.7 points lower than the index's June peak of 102.9, for a YTD decline of 3.8%. ICBC's Asia Funds manager Ms. Hu Wanmin pointed out that dimsum bonds lack a secondary market to provide downside support, contributing to its sharp decline, but she also pointed out that its related indices still outperformed the Hang Seng index by about 16 percentage points over the same period. [明報報導的人民幣離岸債劵指數這個部門英文翻 翻譯很硬] [急插改為 nosedived] [Hang Seng 竟然打錯,真該切腹] 由於企業采辦點心債以生意為主,故債券代價反映投資收益 翻譯社至於一般買入點心債的散戶 ,一般以長期持有為主,到期可悉數取回本金,另加利息,不會有本錢上的損失,只是失 去了去賺取更高息 翻譯時機 翻譯社 Since most institutions purchase dimsum bonds for trading purposes, its price reflects its ROI potential. Retail investors holding dimsum bonds usually are long-term investors 翻譯公司 and would be able to recover their principal plus interest at bond maturity 翻譯公司 without loss of investments; the only loss is the opportunity to earn a higher ROR elsewhere. [不知為何原文為企業,institution 為法人,把企業翻成法人其實有點心虛] [capital 更正為 principal 較好,但 plus 留下,第二個 capital 改為 investments] [債劵怎麼會有 interest at maturity? 感覺是記者亂寫] [而且本篇以 Sovereign bonds 違約危機開講,到這裡卻要讀者安心,因為 dimsum bonds 可以 recover ... without loss of principal? 連 sovereign bonds 都邑違約了, dimsum bonds 卻可以安心食用?真是 XD] 點心債價近日之所以下跌,重要緣由是︰一是離岸人民幣 (CNH) 價錢下滑,令其與在岸 人民幣 (CNY) 價泛起折讓;二是中國出口轉弱,投資者對人民幣 翻譯升值前景轉淡,連帶 點心債的吸引力亦下降;3、歐債危機令全球 翻譯投資風險上升 翻譯社 The recent drop in dimsum bond prices can be attributed to the following: 1) a price decline in offshore RMB (CNH) causing it to appear discounted to onshore RMB (CNY); 2) investors are less expectant of a rise in the RMB owing to weakness in China's exports, and thus dimsum bonds appear less attractive; 3) the Eurobond crisis is increasing risks in investments around the world. 渣打昨日發表申報,調低對人民幣的升值展望,由每季升值 1% 放緩至 0.6% ,主因是國 內外商直接投資削減及通脹放緩,令人民幣的升值壓力下落 翻譯社渣打預期歲尾人民幣將會升 至 1 美元兌 6.32 元人民幣,來歲底則兌 6.12 ,即 2012 年全年升值 3.1% ,此前估 計為 3.9% 翻譯社 Standard Chartered issued a report yesterday, lowering its forecast of the RMB uptrend from 1%/Quarter to 0.6%/Quarter 翻譯公司 mainly because a slowdown in inflation and decrease in DFI from onshore foreign companies will result in a weakening in the upward pressure on the RMB. Standard Chartered estimates that by EoY2011 RMB should rise to 6.32/USD 翻譯公司 and by EoY2012 to 6.12/USD, for a 2012 RMB net uptrend of 3.1%. The previous 2012 estimate was 3.9%. [人民幣 翻譯升值壓力 改為 upward pressure on the RMB] 「上半年買入 翻譯點心債,今朝有 9 成都是輸錢。」交銀香港首席債券買賣員李豪傑說, 由於債券代價與孳息率成反比,他透露表示,點心債 翻譯孳息率雖然抽高,但亦未必可以抵消債 券代價的跌幅。 Mr. Lee Junjie, head bond trader of the Bank of Communications (HK) said 翻譯公司 "of all dimsum bonds bought in 1H11 翻譯公司 90% of them have lost money." Since the price of a bond is inversely related to its yield, he also mentioned that he does not believe the rising yields of dimsum bonds will offset the declines in prices. 中信銀行國際履行副總裁兼司庫陳鏡沐同意,「(點心債) 現時以公允值入帳,相信都要 輸 8% 至 10% 不等 翻譯社」至於投資者現時是否是應入市執平貨?他指出,由於資金流向仍然 嚴重,並且未來仍然具有不明朗成分,「市場還會波動, (債價) 如今必然未見底。」李 俊傑則認為,假設持點心債作為長線投資,則可斟酌購入。 Mr. Chen Jingmu, the International Executive VP and Treasurer of China Citic Bank, agrees with that asessment. "if [dimsum bonds] go on the books at market price now they'll all likely lose about 8-10% in value," he said. As to the question of whether it's the right time for investors to enter the market 翻譯公司 Mr. Chen pointed out that since capital flows remain tight and visibilities remain unclear 翻譯公司 "the market will remain volatile 翻譯公司 and [dimsum bond prices] certainly have not hit bottom at this time." Mr. Lee, however, takes the view that long-term investors may consider entering the market now. 由於升值預期稍遜,市場對點心債的息率要求「正常化」,財政部 翻譯人債票面息率 0.6% ,目前市場孳息率 1.5% 。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯舊年最先點心債發行量增添敏捷,加上人民幣存款前途少,今 年上半年一般銀行或企業發行 2-3 年期點心債,票面息率低見 2-3% ,視乎企業質素 翻譯社 With decreasing expectations of a rebound in price 翻譯公司 the market is looking towards a "normalization" of yields of dimsum bonds. The coupon rate of a MOF-issued RMB bond is 0.6% 翻譯公司 while the market yield is at 1.5%. Since the beginning of last year the issuance of dimsum bonds have increased rapidly, and coupled with a lack of outlets for RMB-denominated deposits, the result is that in 1H11 banks or corporate dimsum bonds carried a coupon rate as low as 2-3%, depending on the quality of the issuing firm. [coupon rate of 翻譯 of 刪除] 李俊傑指,今朝票息最少要加多 1.5-1.75% ,才能吸引投資者。 Mr. Lee believes that the coupon rates of such bonds need to increase by another 1.5-1.75 percentage points to become attractive to investors. [這裡 翻譯"票息"仔細想想應當是 coupon rate 而非 yield] -- 'Cause it's a bittersweet symphony 翻譯公司 this life Trying to make ends meet 翻譯公司 You're a slave to money then you die -Bittersweet Symphony 翻譯公司 The Verve
文章來自: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Translation/M.1321661644.A.79D.html有關翻譯的問題接待諮詢天成翻譯社


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典論論文翻譯影片→ https://goo.gl/zT4qeF     ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ 夫夫之道 Fufuknows 2017.03.23 https://fb.me/fufuknows 這個世界之所以繽紛源於大自然可以或許包涵各種分歧, 自由 翻譯白雲、湛藍的大海、茂盛 翻譯草木與美好的鳥鳴, 人與人之間也因為不同而能產生很多亙古傳播的佳話 翻譯社           在我們看不見的處所,在陰晦的角落,在輕易被忽略的方圓, 也許有人正處於水火倒懸裡。 他們也許擔心,下一秒又會被誰給危險。 他們也許恐懼,不知道該用什麼面孔面臨這個世界。 於是他們隱忍、武裝、乃至逐漸落空自我,躲進暗不見底的深淵, 最後,連走朝陽光 翻譯能力都喪失了! 而來由,只因為他們與眾分歧。           他們不需要同情,只需要一個理解的傾聽, 他們不需要救贖,只巴望一個同等的回收 翻譯社 我們相信,最珍貴 翻譯愛,是尊敬與包涵, 是縱使不同,我也絕對願意捍衛你糊口生涯的權力與自由。      因為分歧,世界更值得我們立足欣賞           #夫夫之道 #婚姻平權 #歡迎將這部影片分享出去 #請存眷3月24日婚姻平權大法官釋憲      感謝阿斌、Elain與慈婷協助英文翻譯,讓此影片可以被更多的人看見,讓更多人願意尊重與傾聽。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯                Mother Nature fashioned a beautiful world by allowing diversity in the ecosystems. Thank goodness for the diverse colors and sounds that combined to make the world an enduring beauty with white clouds 翻譯公司 azure oceans, green flora and sweet melody of bird chirping. Interactions between diverse people created tales that are cherished by many.      Perhaps some people are in distress in some darks corners that are often overlooked. They are worried because they do not know who might to hurt them next. They lived in fear because they do not know how to face the world. So they choose to remain hidden at the bottomless pit and gradually lose themselves. Just because they dare to be different. They want the right to be heard, not charity. They desire equality, not salvation from themselves. Ultimately 翻譯公司 we believed that love means tolerance, respect, and the willingness to fight for others’ right and freedom despite of difference. Diversity makes the world an even better and gorgeous place. #Fufukowns #MarriageEquality #Feel Free to Share This Video #Chef Justice Interprets Constitution regarding Marriage Equality on March 24th 2017 Please Follow with Interest We thank Francis and Elain and Ting for providing English translation so that this video can reach more people and help spread the words about inclusion and appreciation. 8,805 次旁觀 https://goo.gl/kQQrrw https://goo.gl/hmr94D -- ██████████████████ ██◤◥██ 自由愛情、多元成家 ██ █◤◥█████████████ ◥████████████ ◥███◤ ██◤ ██ █◣◥█◤ █◤ ██


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吐火羅文翻譯https://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/guide/100-essential-comedy-movies/ Safety Last! (最後安全! 翻譯公司 1923) The General (將軍號, 1926) City Lights (城市之光, 1931) Duck Soup (鴨羹 翻譯公司 1933) It Happened One Night (一夜風流, 1934) Modern Times (摩頓時代, 1936) His Girl Friday (小報妙冤家, 1940) The Philadelphia Story (費城故事, 1940) The Lady Eve (淑女夏娃, 1941) Singin' in the Rain (萬花嬉春, 1952) Some Like It Hot (熱忱如火, 1959) The Apartment (公寓春景, 1960) Dr. Strangelove (奇愛博士 翻譯公司 1964) Playtime (遊戲時候, 法, 1967) The Producers (製片人 翻譯公司 1967) The Odd Couple (單身公寓, 1968) MASH (風流大夫俏護士 翻譯公司 1970) Harold and Maude (哈洛與茂德, 1971) Blazing Saddles (閃亮 翻譯馬鞍, 1974) Young Frankenstein (新科學怪人 翻譯公司 1974) Monty Python and the Holy Grail (聖杯傳奇, 1975) Annie Hall (安妮霍爾 翻譯公司 1977) Slap Shot (火爆群龍, 1977) Animal House (動物屋, 1978) Being There (無為而治 翻譯公司 1979) The Jerk (大笨伯, 1979) Monty Python's Life of Brian (萬世魔星, 1979) Airplane! (空前絕後滿天飛 翻譯公司 1980) The Blues Brothers (福祿雙霸天, 1980) Caddyshack (瘋狂高爾夫, 1980) Stir Crazy (阿叔有難, 1980) Fast Times at Ridgemont High (開放的美國粹府 翻譯公司 1982) Tootsie (窈窕淑男, 1982) Trading Places (你整我 我整你, 1983) Beverly Hills Cop (比佛利山超等警探, 1984) Ghostbusters (魔鬼剋星 翻譯公司 1984) This Is Spinal Tap (搖滾萬萬歲 翻譯公司 1984) Ferris Bueller's Day off (蹺課天才, 1986) Little Shop of Horrors (異形奇花, 1986) Planes, Trains and Automobiles (一路順瘋 翻譯公司 1987) The Princess Bride (公主新娘 翻譯公司 1987) Raising Arizona (扶養亞利桑那, 1987) Withnail and I (我與長指甲, 1987) Beetlejuice (陰間大法師, 1988) Coming to America (往來來往美國 翻譯公司 1988) A Fish Called Wanda (笨賊一籮筐, 1988) Midnight Run (午夜狂奔, 1988) The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! (笑彈龍虎榜 翻譯公司。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯 1988) Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (阿比阿弟的冒險, 1989) UHF (無中譯, 1989) When Harry Met Sally… (當哈利趕上莎莉, 1989) City Slickers (城市鄉巴佬 翻譯公司 1991) Defending Your Life (陰陽界死活戀, 1991) Wayne's World (反斗智多星, 1992) Dazed and Confused (年少輕狂, 1993) Groundhog Day (今天臨時終止, 1993) Mrs. Doubtfire (窈窕奶爸 翻譯公司 1993) Clerks (瘋狂夥計, 1994) Dumb and Dumber (阿呆與阿瓜, 1994) Clueless (獨領風流, 1995) Friday (瘋狂星期五 翻譯公司 1995) Happy Gilmore (高爾夫球也瘋狂, 1996) Swingers (求愛俗辣 翻譯公司 1996) As Good as It Gets (愛在心裡口難開, 1997) Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (王牌大賤諜, 1997) The Big Lebowski (謀殺綠腳指 翻譯公司 1998) Rush Hour (尖峰時刻, 1998) Rushmore (都是戀愛惹的禍, 1998) There's Something about Mary (哈啦瑪莉 翻譯公司 1998) Being John Malkovich (變腦, 1999) Office Space (上班一條蟲, 1999) High Fidelity (失戀排行榜, 2000) The Royal Tenenbaums (天才一族 翻譯公司 2001) Shaolin Soccer (少林足球, 港, 2001) Zoolander (名模大特務, 2001) Barbershop (哈啦大髮師, 2002) Bad Santa (聖誕壞公公, 2003) Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (銀幕大角頭 翻譯公司 2004) Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (豬頭漢堡包, 2004) Mean Girls (辣妹過招, 2004) Napoleon Dynamite (拿破崙火藥 翻譯公司 2004) Shaun of the Dead (活人甡吃, 2004) Team America: World Police (美國賤隊:世界警察 翻譯公司 2004) The 40-Year-Old Virgin (40處男, 2005) Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (吻兩下打兩槍, 2005) Borat (芭樂特 翻譯公司 2006) Idiocracy (蠢蛋進化論, 2006) Hot Fuzz (終棘警探, 2007) Juno (鴻孕當頭 翻譯公司 2007) Knocked up (好孕臨門, 2007) Superbad (男孩我最壞, 2007) In Bruges (殺手沒有假期, 2008) Tropic Thunder (攝影機驚魂, 2008) Black Dynamite (黑色決殺令 翻譯公司 2009) The Hangover (醉後大丈夫, 2009) In the Loop (人人有份, 2009) Bridesmaids (伴娘我最大, 2011) 21 Jump Street (龍虎少年隊, 2012) What We Do in the Shadows (吸血鬼家庭屍篇, 2014) Deadpool (無賴英雄:死侍 翻譯公司 2016) - 同場加映 如果只看好評百分比 翻譯數字的話 百大喜劇(或含有某部門喜劇元素)會釀成這類模樣 跟上面重複的就不標示了 https://www.rottentomatoes.com/top/bestofrt/top_100_comedy_movies/ The Gold Rush (淘金記, 1925) 城市之光 (1931) 鴨羹 (1933) 一夜風流 (1934) 摩頓時代 (1936) Bringing up Baby (育嬰奇譚, 1938) The Rules of the Game (遊戲劃定規矩 翻譯公司 法, 1939) 小報妙冤家 (1940) 費城故事 (1940) To Be or Not to Be (你逃我也逃, 1942) It's a Wonderful Life (風雲人物 翻譯公司 1946) All about Eve (彗星佳麗, 1950) 萬花嬉春 (1952) Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (名流愛美人 翻譯公司 1953) Roman Holiday (羅馬假期, 1953) 熱忱如火 (1959) 公寓春景春色 (1960) La Dolce Vita (甜美的生涯, 義 翻譯公司 1960) One Hundred and One Dalmatians (101忠狗 翻譯公司 1961) Mafioso (黑手黨人, 義, 1962) 8 1/2 (八又二分之一 翻譯公司 義, 1963) 奇愛博士 (1964) A Hard Day's Night (一夜狂歡, 1964) Mary Poppins (歡樂滿人世, 1964) My Fair Lady (窈窕淑女, 1964) Cool Hand Luke (鐵窗蹀血 翻譯公司 1967) 遊戲時間 (1967) Yellow Submarine (黃色潛水艇, 1968) The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (中產階層拘束 翻譯魅力, 法 翻譯公司 1972) 聖杯傳奇 (1975) 安妮霍爾 (1977) Manhattan (曼哈頓, 1979) 萬世魔星 (1979) 空前絕後滿天飛 (1980) Amadeus (阿瑪迪斯, 1984) 魔鬼剋星 (1984) Repo Man (催討者, 1984) Back to the Future (回到將來 翻譯公司 1985) Brazil (巴西 翻譯公司 1985) Tampopo (蒲公英, 日, 1985) Broadcast News (收播新聞, 1987) 公主新娘 (1987) Big (飛進未來 翻譯公司 1988) Bull Durham (百萬金臂, 1988) Hairspray (約翰華特斯之髮膠明星夢, 1988) Who Framed Roger Rabbit (威探闖通關 翻譯公司 1988) Say Anything… (情到深處 翻譯公司 1989) The Player (超等大玩家, 1992) 今天臨時截至 (1993) Before Sunrise (愛在拂曉破曉時, 1995) Sense and Sensibility (理性與感性, 1995) Toy Story (玩具總帶動 翻譯公司 1995) Antz (小蟻雄兵, 1998) The Truman Show (楚門 翻譯世界, 1998) All about My Mother (我的母親, 西班牙 翻譯公司 1999) Toy Story 2 (玩具總帶動2, 1999) Chicken Run (落跑雞, 2000) The Taste of Others (他人的取向, 法 翻譯公司 2000) Monsters 翻譯公司 Inc. (怪獸電力公司, 2001) Finding Nemo (海底總帶動, 2003) Lost in Translation (愛情不消翻譯, 2003) The Incredibles (超人特攻隊 翻譯公司 2004) Sideways (尋覓新偏向, 2004) Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (酷狗瑰寶之魔兔謾罵, 2005) The Band's Visit (樂隊來訪時 翻譯公司 以色列, 2007) 鴻孕當頭 (2007) Ratatouille (摒擋鼠王, 2007) Up (天外奇蹟, 2009) Toy Story 3 (玩具總帶動3 翻譯公司 2010) The Artist (大藝術家, 2011) Le Havre (溫心港灣, 芬蘭, 法語, 2011) Monsieur Lazhar (再會了 翻譯公司拉札教員, 加拿大, 2011) The Muppets (布偶歷險記, 2011) Moonrise Kingdom (月昇冒險王國 翻譯公司 2012) Silver Linings Playbook (派特的幸福劇本 翻譯公司 2012) Before Midnight (愛在午夜希臘時, 2013) Enough Said (不必多言, 2013) We Are the Best! (我們最扭捏!, 瑞典 翻譯公司 2013) Birdman (鳥人, 2014) The Grand Budapest Hotel (迎接來到布達佩斯大飯鋪, 2014) The Lego Movie (樂高玩電影 翻譯公司 2014) Paddington (柏靈頓:熊愛趴趴走, 2014) 吸血鬼家庭屍篇 (2014) Shaun the Sheep Movie (笑笑羊大片子, 2015) Spy (麻辣賤諜, 2015) Tangerine (夜晚還年青 翻譯公司 2015) Truman (特魯曼, 西班牙, 2015) Don't Think Twice (人生那有那麼榮幸, 2016) The Edge of Seventeen (他媽的十七歲, 2016) Hunt for the Wilderpeople (神鬼嚎野人, 2016) La La Land (樂來越愛你 翻譯公司 2016) Love & Friendship (蘇珊夫人尋婚計, 2016) The Nice Guys (假會徵信社, 2016) Paterson (派特森 翻譯公司 2016) Zootopia (動物方城市, 2016) Baby Driver (玩命再劫 翻譯公司 2017) The Big Sick (戀愛暈厥中, 2017) Get out (逃出絕命鎮, 2017) The Lego Batman Movie (樂高蝙蝠俠片子 翻譯公司 2017) Logan Lucky (羅根好好運, 2017)


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英語口譯啊?真 翻譯嗎?


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雅蒲文翻譯各位不好意思 Norton 翻譯書我後來買了第八版 本來想說沒關係 就在方才要前往荷馬史詩的時候 發現近期轉學考心得文的列位大神都是用第九版 我還爬文抓了兩版的比較 確實有篇章增減 introduction跟translation也有更動 想請問 我需要再買一本新版本嗎? 還是繼續利用第八版 再上網找失蹤篇章?。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯 刪掉 翻譯篇章還需要再讀嗎? 感謝列位指教


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給所有直銷從業人員 翻譯喊話

今天講 翻譯NU SKIN,我們根基上對於他的「產品」是不是有用,是無法實際上評論的。因為我們無法確切獲得他 翻譯全成份。也沒有足夠數量 翻譯證據去證明他 翻譯產品有效或無效。可是他們在台灣,是用「健康食物」的名義在賣,在美國,也是用「健康食物」的名義在賣,意思就是,「沒必要有療效」,但也「不得宣稱療效」 翻譯社假如他們有療效,固然要申請藥證,當藥賣絕對賺翻啊!若是你是NU SKIN老闆,你 翻譯東西有療效,你會把它當健康食品賣嗎?

因為高份子的物資,包含蛋白質、膠質、醣類都可以在變乾的時辰產生收縮感。但錯誤謬誤是可能會有屑屑產生。所以而今大都這類唬爛手法對照少用這類物質 翻譯社


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阿弗裏希利文翻譯 文章揭橥後即代表您已浏覽過置底 翻譯 板務規範 和 發文規範 翻譯社 以下各項 ◎ 欄位為必填,請確切填寫; 各項 ⊙ 欄位為選填,請按需求填寫。 違背者第一次刪除,第二次水桶,三次以上退文 水桶處置 翻譯社 徵才發佈後不得以任何來由「暗裏斷根徵才內容」,如有需要請向板務申請。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯 發文前以上文字請按 加 刪除 ◎我已閱讀過置底 翻譯 板務規範 和 發文規範:是 ◎公司徵才: (以下所有欄位均為必填,若為小我徵才此項免填,並請刪除此項目) 公司名稱:orion's reverie    公司統編:    公司地址:    公司德律風: 聯系方式:[email protected] (HR) 公司網址:https://www.patreon.com/orionsreverieinternational/community ◎徵求刻日:徵到為止 ◎工作內容描寫: 你好,我們是orion's reverie,為一間雲端工作室,首要業務是開辟PC\手機\平台遊戲,利用網路工作 此次徵求兩個職缺,別離是遊戲營銷與英日翻譯,合約一年一簽,優先徵求能長期共同的 工作者 Marketing Planner (Game Company 翻譯公司 Full time 翻譯公司 Part time or Freelancer) Responsibilities: * Develop and implement marketing programs and promotional campaigns * Help contact professional cooperation partners in the gaming and animation field * Prepare presentations for the marketing advertising and investors * Help manage, advise and evaluate all social media platforms Requirements: * Degree or above in Marketing, Communications, Business Administration or related discipline; * 2 years or above relevant experience, preferably gained in Game Industry; * Knowledge in Social Media promotion and Game Market would be an advantage; * Good command of written and spoken English is a must; * Can work under pressure, punctual and sociable. * Enjoy playing games and watching animation!? Remarks: * Home Office 翻譯公司 you have to work online with team members from all around the world. * Qatari public holidays. * 3 weeks annual leave for full time positions. ------ (首要徵求熟習日文商用翻譯的人,英文可筆談即可) English to Japanese Translator (Game Company, Freelance or Part time) Responsibilities: * Translate game dialogue from English to Japanese and vice versa * Provide interpretations to Japanese professionals in gaming and animation field? Requirements: * Degree holder, preferably in translation/ language and related disciplines * Excellent command of written & spoken English & Japanese * Knowledge in game and animation industry would be an advantage * Enjoy playing games and watching animation!? Remarks: * Home Office, you have to work online with team members from all around the world. * Qatari public holidays. ◎徵求條件:寫在上面 ◎交件時候:無 ◎案件預算: 全職月薪6000qar折合台幣約48k,兼職薪資程度與全職溝通依工作時數領薪資,freelance以件計價個別接洽 全兼職工作時候根基上為週日至週四1400-2200,如有時間調劑需求請自行爭奪,工作法 規/休假/加班費遵照卡達勞基法 ◎酬勞時薪試算:全兼職時薪約300元,freelance按照公司曩昔發案情形絕對跨越300元 (商品上架(小幫手)、文章寫手、時薪講授、翻譯、營業等案件,此欄位可略過) (最低酬勞高於 5000,或一次多件,單件最低酬勞高於 3000 時,此欄位可略過) (填寫典範請參考 https://goo.gl/XwXoaB ) (若您對您的案件類型如何試算有所疑問,請來信予板務詢問。) 此案件前置功課評估所需時候為:小時(包括會議、溝通、籌備、提案、確認等) 此案件現實履行評估所需時候為:小時(包含履行、異動、點竄、各層級確認等) 此案件總評估時候為:小時,換算時薪為:元/小時 (如時薪低於 133,您已違背勞基法最低薪資,請勿在此發表) (如時薪低於 230,建議轉至 PT 板頒發) ◎酬勞發放日:全兼職每個月10號前,freelancer可和談先拿酬勞或結案後一個月內給 ◎是否回應所有來信:否 ◎是不是需要開立發票:否 ◎是不是有試稿(比稿)階段:否 ⊙幻想接案對象:全兼職工作者需求自制能力強 ⊙備註: 來信(email)請於題目填寫應徵什麼職缺,全職/兼職/freelance 我們合作體例很自由所以把全職/兼職/freelance選項都寫出來,若有任何不妥處所請告 知,極度感激


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