
Pu döpé ni pu top gyur shing 
And desires a son, will have a son,

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Live streaming starts at Bejing time 1pm.
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Du ngel tsok ni nampar pang té 
All his sufferings shall come to cessation –

Malü chokyi korlo gyenpé 
Who quakes all directions without exception

Yigé chupé ngak ni köpé 
By the arrangement of the ten syllable awareness mantra

Drawo tamché malü söma 
She annihilates all enemies without exception.

Hung ki nampé sabön nyima 
She is the manifest form of the syllable “Hung” 翻譯公司

Chatsel lha yi tso yi nampé 
Homage to her, rounded like a heavenly lake

Chen nyi pola örab selma 
Her two eyes shine forth bright light,

Lüpa mépa gukpa nüma 
She brings all and everything into her power.

Tara nyi jö pet kyi yigé 
By repeating “Phat” with the second Tara mantra

Yékum yönkyang shabkyi nen té 
Right leg folded, left extended pressing down,

Jigten sum nam yowa nyima 
And even the three worlds she causes to tremble.

Chatsel rabtu gawa jipé 
Homage to her who spreads sublime joy

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Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche Public Talk on Green Tara & the Meaning of Life - live streaming:

Translation: Padmakara Translation Committee